Уже несколько дней этот призыв актуален как никогда. В любой непонятной ситуации – дыши. Просто глубоко и спокойно дыши. Воздух унесет с собой волнения, тревоги, а взамен даст спокойствие и уверенность. Рисуешь - дыши свободно, так линия будет чётче, а цвет ярче. Идешь на важную встречу – дыши глубоко, голос будет звучать увереннее. Споришь, доказывая свою правоту, – дыши ровно и найдешь лучшие аргументы. И пока ты хоть кому-нибудь нужен в этом мире – дыши...❤️
Several days this invocatory slogan is relevant more than ever for me. In any unclear situation – breathe. Just deeply and quietly breathe. Air will carry away disorders, alarms, and in will give tranquility and confidence. When you are drawing – breathe freely, so the line will be more accurate, and color – brighter. When you are going to an important meeting – breathe deeply, the voice will sound more surely. You argue, proving your opinion, – breathe and you will find the best arguments. And so far someone in this world need you – breathe... ❤️
Ink on paper, A5
Several days this invocatory slogan is relevant more than ever for me. In any unclear situation – breathe. Just deeply and quietly breathe. Air will carry away disorders, alarms, and in will give tranquility and confidence. When you are drawing – breathe freely, so the line will be more accurate, and color – brighter. When you are going to an important meeting – breathe deeply, the voice will sound more surely. You argue, proving your opinion, – breathe and you will find the best arguments. And so far someone in this world need you – breathe... ❤️
Ink on paper, A5
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